Classes such as a BroadcastReceiver define code that will execute when external events trigger them. 诸如BroadcastReceiver这样的类定义的代码将在外部事件触发它们时执行。
As explained earlier in this series, a cessation of external official funding could trigger a disorderly collapse. 如本系列之前的文章解释过的,如果外部停止提供官方援助资金,希腊可能陷入无序崩溃。
Trigger sources include manual ( front panel button), IEEE-488 bus, Trigger Link, internal timer, and external trigger. 触发源包括手动(从面板按钮)、IEEE-488总线、TriggerLink接口、内部时钟和外部触发。
In general, any method that you expect external applications to call must be defined as a trigger. 一般情况下,您期望外部应用程序调用的任何方法都必须定义为触发器。
For example, such an external trigger might be a user that clicks a button in a web application to indicate that a certain task is completed. 例如,这个外部触发器可能是用户对Web应用中表示任务完成按钮的一次点击。
What we are discussing then is the possibility of a disorderly unwinding of the external deficits, the trigger being a sharp slowdown in US household demand that would stimulate domestic pressure for both a currency realignment and protection. 因此,我们现在讨论的就是外部赤字无序缩减的可能性,其触发因素是美国家庭需求急剧下降,这将加剧美国国内要求汇率调整和采取保护主义措施的压力。
It also discusses some key techniques such as the design of ECL circuit, high speed signal processing and external trigger control. 并对ECL电路、高速信号及外部触发控制等关键技术进行了详细的讨论。
Dynamic speckle photography of the gear tooth has been achieved by combining a pulsed ruby laser with the external synchronizing trigger signal. 红宝石脉冲激光器和外同步触发信号结合实现了齿轮轮齿动态散斑图的记录。
The external control trigger circuit is designed. 设计了外部控制触发电路;
An External Trigger Circuit in the Digital Video Signal and Noise Test System 一种数字视频信号噪声测试系统的外触发电路
The system features the advanced sample hold technique and repeating external trigger model in hardware design as well as the module structure in software design. 该系统的硬件采用较先进的采保和重复外触发技术,软件采用模块化结构。
The external trigger has the characteristics of reliable performance, simple construction and programmable controlling. 结果表明,由此方法制作的准分子激光外触发控制器具有性能可靠、结构简单和可编程控制等特点。
The working principle and operation methods are discussed, the jitter to external trigger and pulse waveform are also analysised. 讨论了系统的工作原理及实现方法,测量了该开关输出光脉冲的典型波形,并对开启时间的漂移进行了讨论;
Finally, the external trigger and internal trigger are profoundly studied to solve the question of time when the processes are migrated. 通过研究外部触发和内部触发两种机制来解决进程迁移的时机问题。
Experiments are set-up to testify the measurement speed and the sampling frequency of the interferometer. The results show that the maximum measurement speed is 980 mm/ s and the maximum external trigger frequency is 11 kHz. 通过实验对测量速度和计数频率进行了检测,结果证明,这种干涉仪可以达到的最高测量速度为980mms,外触发计数频率达11kHz。
Environment for the industrial scene is more complex, so the trigger has the protection of overcurrent, overvoltage, overheating, and lack of phase. When an external fault happens, the trigger will in time to protect and make the system run more secure. 针对工业现场中环境比较复杂,该触发器具有过流,过压,过热,缺相等保护功能,当发生外部故障时,能够及时进行保护,使系统运行更安全。
External charging and trigger module design include the circuit design and layout of component. 外部充电触发模块的设计包括电路设计和元件及结构布置。
In the definition and classification of electronic commerce, the details of e-commerce with respect to the external features of traditional trade, and later as the basis of the trigger revenue impact of e-commerce features. 在对电子商务进行定义与分类之后,详细介绍了电子商务相对于传统贸易的外在特征,并以此为基础触发后文分析电子商务特征对税收的影响。
To solve the database synchronization problems of internal and external network, a database synchronization subsystem based on the principle of trigger was designed and implemented. 为了解决风险系统实现过程中碰到的内外网数据库同步问题,提出基于触发器原理的数据库同步子系统的设计及实现方案。
The study has proved that the system can be used in an ordinary environment, which is free from the site constraints of electromagnetic interference testing, and has substantially increased the system testing efficiency with use of external trigger, which is of great value. 经实验证明,系统可在普通环境下使用,摆脱了电磁干扰测试的场地限制,并利用外部触发器大幅度提高了系统测试效率,具有很大的推广价值。